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Encouraging teachers is an important part of our ministry. If you ever visit our booth at a Christian school convention or a homeschool convention, you will probably notice our devotionals for teachers. One devotional we love to share is called Apples for Teachers: A Daily Devotional from the Book of Proverbs. Here is an encouraging devotion on Proverbs 7:1–2.
Positive Action for Christ offers several daily devotionals. We have a new devotional scheduled to launch next year titled Meaning for Your Labor: A Daily Devotional from the Book of Ecclesiastes. From our new book, here is an encouraging devotion on Ecclesiastes 3:10.
Positive Action Bible Curriculum is on Curriculum Trak! Curriculum Trak is an online curriculum mapping software that provides teachers with lesson planning and classroom management help.
It's that time of the year again—another school year is launching at full speed. You’re preparing lessons as well as teaching in the classroom. There’s a lot going on, and we want to help make your job easier. Did you know that we offer additional tools to help you teach our elementary studies?
I first encountered Positive Action for Christ in Bible college, when one of my lecturers gave me a copy of The Book of Remembrance. But it wasn’t until years later that I learned that Positive Action produced that devotional resource.
Uncommon Currency contains five lessons from the Gospels which feature coins as illustrations. Using coins, Jesus taught His disciples about gratitude, humility, and devotion. As Jesus’ disciples today, we can learn the same important truths from His illustrations.
We are always excited to hear that homeschool families are benefitting from our Bible curriculum. Check out what some recent homeschool reviewers have to say about our material.
Using the common currency of His day, Jesus illustrated vital truths about discipleship. His coin conversations, priceless parables, and money miracles reveal God’s love and generosity, prompting us to respond with gratitude, faithfulness, and obedience.
In 1991, God presented Positive Action for Christ with an amazing opportunity. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) increasingly lost sovereignty over the many satellite nations. The underground churches began coming out of hiding, and believers around the world sought ways to support the budding revival. For Positive Action, the greatest opportunity came in the newly independent nation of Ukraine.
The Life of Christ: From the Gospel of John introduces students to the eternal God in human flesh. Recommended for grades eight through eleven, students will work through 35 lessons divided into seven units, beginning with background on the Gospel of John and tracing Jesus’ public ministry all the way through His death, burial, and resurrection. Combining historical study with application, students will see from Scripture how the real person of Jesus can impact their lives today.
This year, Positive Action for Christ is celebrating 50 years of God's blessing upon our ministry. On the last page of our new catalog, C.J. Harris expresses his gratitude with this short reflection.
The wonderful God of the Bible is totally unique! In Psalm 113:5–6, the psalmist asks, "Who is like the LORD our God, who is seated on high, who looks down on the heavens and the earth?" There is no one like God.