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Previously in Psalm 23, we saw that God provides for our needs and gives us rest. But far more important than provision and rest is the promise of guidance in righteousness.
Previously in Psalm 23, we saw that God provides for our needs and gives us rest. But far more important than provision and rest is the promise of guidance in righteousness.
The darkest moments along the path of God are those when we feel God has forsaken us. All of God’s children experience these moments, and David was no exception.
In David’s day, horses and chariots provided a significant advantage in warfare. Swift and agile, a chariot made a difficult target for the enemy to hit.
In the previous devotional, we saw that God gives us constant access to His presence, and that He produces certain qualities in believers who dwell there. Believers who fellowship with God will have a foundational love for Him. Here, the psalmist shows how that love for God impacts our relationships with other people.
In David’s time, the Israelites worshipped God at the Tabernacle—a beautiful tent-like structure constructed during Israel’s wilderness wanderings.