We will not be shipping 3/28 to 3/31 due to physical Inventory.
No shipping Fri-Mon More info.
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear Thomas mentioned? “Doubting Thomas,” isn’t it? Of all the disciples—besides Judas—Thomas seems to get put down the most. He refused to believe Jesus was alive unless he saw Him.
In part one and part two of “Jesus and Jonah,” we saw two reasons why Jesus pointed to Jonah as a sign to the unbelieving Jews.
In part one, we saw that God used resurrection to affirm the work of both Jesus and Jonah. Jesus even stated that Jonah provided a sufficient sign of God’s authority (Matt. 12:38-42; Luke 11:29-32).
Easter is God's answer to the curse of sin and death. Every generation has faced the corruption and separation that came from Adam and Eve’s sinful taste. This curse kills the soul as well as the body, creating a barrier to the Lord of Life that no human could cross. None of us can kill death—only God could thwart it.
When we travel, we rely on signs to get us to our destination. But sometimes we don’t see signs because they are hidden, poorly lit, or simply unreadable.